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By registering now, your child will receive a personalized Christmas Certificate welcoming him or her to our next Firecracker Session...perfect for under the tree or as a stocking stuffer!  These sessions tend to fill up don't wait--you might regret it! 

Time & Location

Jan 03, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Brightburn Academy Studio, 801 Loma Colorado Blvd NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124, USA

About the event

This is a low-commitment session where kids ages 6 & up learn the fundamentals of Irish Dance. With three pricing and commitment options, you get to choose what type of trial experience YOUR child has with Irish Dance--you can't go wrong!  Choose from one month, two months upfront, or two months PLUS a Brightburn t-shirt, shorts, & turn out socks for better technique!  Please understand that the whole session is intended to be three months long, taking one month each to learn the Reel, Light Jig, & Single Jig.  If your child is interested in completing this session after your Event Ticket has ended--and we hope they do!--no worries at all.  Further instruction on month-to-month registration will be available in class.

Register Now

  • 2024 Firecracker Dancer

    Please choose only ONE of the following Options in order to register your child for the upcoming session. The first month of class is the minimum, or choose to save by paying for two months of this 3-month session upfront, OR gain MAXIMUM savings by paying for the first two months of classes PLUS get a Brightburn T-shirt, Shorts, and Turn Out Socks to wear to class! The choice is YOURS!

    From $80.00 to $185.00
    Sale ended
    • $80.00
      Tax: +$5.95 NM GRT+$2.15 service fee
    • $145.00
      Tax: +$10.78 NM GRT+$3.89 service fee
    • $185.00
      Tax: +$13.76 NM GRT+$4.97 service fee



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    girls, hugs, smiling, fun, Irish Dancers

    Photo Courtesy of Kristina Graff Photography

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